To Uninstall an Autodesk Product

Uninstall with the Autodesk Uninstall tool, Windows Control Panel, or Mac OS Finder, or use Microsoft FixIt when you encounter problems.

There are multiple ways to uninstall on Windows systems:

On Mac OS, use an uninstall tool, if one is available, or uninstall from the Finder.

With an Uninstall Tool

  1. Close all running programs and disable antivirus software before you begin.
  2. Open the uninstall tool from the Start menu (Windows) or the Finder (Mac OS). It's listed along with other products in the Autodesk folder. Example: Start > Autodesk > Uninstall Tool (Windows) or Finder > Applications > AutoCAD > Remove AutoCAD (Mac OS).
  3. In the tool window, select the products to uninstall. If uninstalling a selected product prevents another product from operating correctly, you are prompted to uninstall the related product.
Note: The Uninstall Tool does not uninstall service packs or locally installed Help files.

Through the Control Panel (Windows)

  1. Restart your computer to apply any pending Windows OS updates.
  2. If you want to preserve existing customizations, such as menus and PGP files, back up those files.
  3. From the Windows Start menu, open the Control Panel and display the list of installed applications.

    You can't uninstall more than one program at a time. Uninstall peripheral programs, such as add-ins, enablers, and bonus packs, before uninstalling the main program. For example, if you're uninstalling Maya, uninstall the FBX add-in before uninstalling Maya.

  4. Select Uninstall for each peripheral or program you want to remove. Confirm your intention to uninstall by clicking Yes or Run in any displayed alerts.

    Remember that some peripherals, such as the Material Library, are shared across products. Don't remove them unless you intend to remove all Autodesk products.

  5. If you're prompted to restart after uninstalling a product, restart and return to the Control Panel to uninstall other software.
  6. If you want to remove all program and application data, search for "clean uninstall" in the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

Using Microsoft Fixit (Windows)

Use Microsoft Fixit if your attempt to uninstall through the Control Panel fails or if unwanted program files remain after your attempt to uninstall. Unwanted remaining files can prevent you from reinstalling.

  1. Download the Microsoft Fixit tool.
  2. Click Run Now and follow the on-screen prompts.

From a Mac OS System

  1. Open the Finder and go to Applications.
  2. Drag the application icon to the Trash.
Note: If you're uninstalling Maya 2016 or Mudbox 2016, see your product documentation for instructions on removing the software product key as well. This step is necessary.