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Is this family mirrored or not?

Is this family mirrored or not?

When making a model it is very easy and fast to mirror a family (for example a window). However when doing the documenting of those windows there is no way of documenting that a windows is actually mirrored. This means that you have to create another window that is exactly the same only mirrored, which could be a bit time consuming if there are a lot of difficult windows (or any other family for that matter) in your project.


Not sure if this happens a lot in other countries as well, but in Holland for example we build a lot of rows of homes or apartments that are mirrored over a grid line over and over again. This means that everything in that home or apartment is flipped from one home to the other and for fabrication purposes is a different object and will need to be fabricated differently.


It would be great if some how there was a way for Revit to know if a family is flipped or mirrored from the way it was originally modeled and be available as a parameter in the family and schedule. Just a report parameter called Flipped with a Yes/No option would do the trick already.


It would be even better if there was a way of creating a legend view where you can choose the 'regular' of mirrored family when placing it

  • Generic Model: Family1
  • Generic Model: Family1 (mirrored)

In the end I would like a schedule that tells me I have 5 windows of type A.01 and another 5 windows of type A.01 that are flipped.



So in short, a way for Revit to know if a family is mirrored and be able to use and document that trough the entire project and each function of Revit.




The ability to check whether an object is mirrored or not. 



The result of this check should be a 'custom' value like: "yes / no" or "y / n".

Mirroring a group with objects should function too (grouping a mirrored object, and mirroring the group should result in a 'non-mirrored object').


Consider necessary to add for some family elements (especially for window and door) program characteristic for example "MIRRORED" (type true/false), which swap if element was mirrored in project by command MIRROR or by control types 'Double Vertical' or 'Double Horizontal'.


...Sorry for my English...


Считаю необходимым добавить для элементов (особенно для окон и дверей) программный параметр ЗЕРКАЛЬНО (тип да/нет), который менялся бы на противоположное значение при отзеркаливании элементов в проекте командой ЗЕРКАЛО или при нажатии на элемент управления зеркально по горизонтали или по вертикали.

Tags (2)


I find it missing in reliving the opportunity to know if mirror options for door families (and others too) are enabled.
The principle is to be able to inform, for example, whether a door is fitted on the left or right side with this information.




I find it missing in reliving the opportunity to know if mirror options for door families (and others too) are enabled.
The principle is to be able to inform, for example, whether a door is fitted on the left or right side with this information.

Tags (5)

I guess if assemblies are smart that way, knowing not to add a mirrored object to the same assembly as the non mirrored assembly and create a new assembly, as it should, there should be an instance Boolean parameter indicating if the object is mirrored or not


It really is a shame that it's still not possible to read whether an object is flipped or not.. Especially with (more complex) doors and windows one must create/model each door or window in two types (mirrored or not, flips are forbidden in a door of window family, in many firms!!!) or one must manually keep a solid administration of which elements are mirrored/flipped or not. That's not BIM-minded at all.


@Anonymous: please implement a feature to read (all) the flips in reporting parameters or something (please???)


The funny thing is that you CAN get info about mirrored or not with Dynamo, so the info is actually there, just not accessible with Revit itself.


Yes, the funny thing that in the API Revit has this information. Not only for doors and windows, but for other components as well. That leads to those many plugins being able to read this. But that is a real pity, that Autodesk is not trying to listen to their customers as much as they should!

Not applicable

It would also be nice if you could control the flip by a type or instance parameter. 


indeed it would @Anonymous


Нормы РФ требуют отображения в спецификации открывания дверей, правая, левая. Для этого проектировщикам помимо изучения Revit нужно изучить и Dinamo, то-есть, в какой то степени научится программированию.



ГОСТ 21.501-2011

5.7.4 Оборудование, элементы здания, сооружения (изделия) и материалы в разделах (подразделах) записывают по группам в следующей последовательности:

      - элементы заполнения проемов (ворота, блоки дверные и оконные, в том числе с механизмами открывания, решетки жалюзийные и др.);


Новогоднее пожелание, чтобы разработчики Revit учитывали и Российские нормы проектирования.


Тоже касается и ведомости отделки по помещениям.


Всех с новым годом!

Happy New Year!

Not applicable

And while you are at it. Please make it so, that you can use a custom text. In other words, not just english! And make it so we can choose our own parameter for this function!


Not applicable


It would be enough if Autodesk would allow project parameters to be defined by a formula. Like a text parameter with formula: Iif(ismirrored, "sp", ""). But yes, please Autodesk. No hardcoded English.


Those are some good aditions to this idea people.


Very much in support of this, the manual aspect of having to check multiple windows / doors on a project is tedious!


Wonderful idea for interior design! C'mon Autodesk, it's not that difficult!


weather one uses the MIRROR(revit command) command or the FLIP(blue arrows) arrows built into the family it should read them as a separate type. If as an example: a family is "type 1" and flipped it becomes "type 2" I then mirror this family it then reverts back to being "type 1", or vice-versa (mirrored then flipped)


В AutoCAD Architecture данный параметр существует лет 10 (если не больше). Занимает 1 байт. Неужели нужно так долго выпрашивать у разработчиков снисхождения...


In AutoCAD Architecture, this option has been around for 10 years (if not more). It takes 1 byte. Does it really take so long to beg the indulgence of the developers...  (Goodle translate)


Because it is in ACA already does not mean it is easy to get it into Revit as well, as the 2 are very different aspecially in the background. But as mentioned before it is available with the API, so it should be possible to get that data in another way as well


Really good points, this should be as basic feature of Revit, not through 3rd Party addin or Dynamo.


I think this is feature what users has been asking many years, wonder how many more years need to wait this...


This functionality is probably one of few that I would consider mandatory to get an addin for since it takes out so much tedious work that is very easy to mess up.


I would like to see two "Yes/No" instance parameters, "Facing Flipped" and "Hand Flipped". These parameters would only be visible for families which can be flipped and by doing it this way you could not just read the flipstate of the instance, you could also flip instances from schedules if you need to. These two parameters have all the information needed to figure out if the family is flipped or not (by checking if one is true and the other is not), but a third readonly parameter named "Flipped" doing just this would be convenient and reduce the amount of formulas needed.


FacingFlipped and HandFlipped are already available in the API, so just exposing them in the Revit UI seems like a fairly simple thing to do.

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