Layer Mapping for DWG/DXF Export

Use the Layers tab of the Modify DWG/DXF Export Setup dialog to customize layer mapping settings for a DWG or DXF export setup.

This strategy ensures that the model information stored in Revit categories and subcategories are exported to the proper CAD layers.

Revit displays layer mapping settings for the currently selected setup.

Note: Although you can load settings from a text file when creating or modifying an export setup, Revit stores the export setup as part of the project rather than as a separate text file. To share the export setup between projects, use the Transfer Project Standards tool.

Export layer options

For Export layer options, specify how Revit elements with view-specific graphic overrides will be mapped to CAD layers.

(Graphic properties of Revit elements, such as color, line weight, and line style, are defined in the Object Styles of the categories to which the elements belong, but these definitions can be overridden for a selected element in a specific view.)

Note: If you are exporting a view that contains a linked project and the RVT Link Display Settings dialog (Basics tab) for the link is set to By Host View, then the link is treated as an override. To ensure that colors and other graphic display settings are preserved in the exported file, select "Export all properties BYLAYER, but do not export overrides." See Use View Filters for Linked Models.

Load layers from standards

For Load layers from standards, select a standard, or select Load settings from file, navigate to the file, and click Open. Edit mapping values as desired.