Introduction: Multi Drawer Bandsaw Box

About: I love working with wood. I make bandsaw boxes and just lately ive got a lathe and now enjoy woodturning.

What i used

1 douglas fir board 1 inch thick and 6 inches wide

1 douglas fir board 1/2 inch thick 6 inch wide

Thickness planer

Sanding grits - 120, 180, 240, 360, 400, 600

sanding sealer

suede tex and glue

wood glue

Spray Lacquer

Step 1:

For this project i used 2 Douglas fir boards one 1 inch thick and 1 1/2 inch thick both 6 inches wide.

I cut the 1 inch board into 5 x 12 inch sections these will be the top bottom and 3 drawer sections. I also 2 x 12 of the 1/2 inch boards these will go between the draw sections.

I put all the boards though the thickness planer before putting them in the order i wanted them to be placed in box.

Step 2:

Next i take 3 1 inch drawer boards and draw out the plan for the drawers using a compass for the curved drawers.

The designing of the drawers takes a while if you want to use the space well, but you are free to design any style of draw you wish. I had some square and some oval the oval ones can be pushed or pulled out of the box.

Step 3:

I then cut all the drawers out leaving the frame for these.

I then glued frame for the drawers in place. After the glue had dried i sanded and used sand sealer before gluing the box together leaving the drawers out .

Step 4:

I used wood glue and clamps to glue main box together.

The box is now complete time to get the drawers cut.

Step 5:

Cut the draw front off first.

Then cut base and then the main draw leaving about 1/4 inch outer edge on the drawer. This is shown in more detail in the attached photos and the linked video.

Step 6:

Now to finish box and drawers using sand sealer 2 coats and sanding with 400 grit after each coat. I then used a spray lacquer to finish.

To finish the inside of the drawer i used saude tex with a matching glue.

Step 7:

Thats the box all finished.

I hope you enjoyed, if you wish to see the process in more detail please watch the video.

Thank you

Woodworking Contest

Second Prize in the
Woodworking Contest